
  • Gratitude

    Jesus lived life in surrender and gratitude before the one in whom he moved and breathed and had his being. We therefore value this posture of living—in humble surrender and joyful gratitude before God.

  • Inclusion

    Jesus crossed all kinds of borders and barriers, especially to include the outcast and irreligious. We therefore value making room to include a diversity of backgrounds, views, and convictions.

  • Integration

    Jesus was present to every person and every moment—from the innocent to the unnoticed, from the wilderness to the cross. We therefore value embracing every person and engaging every moment, trusting that everything is an opportunity.

  • Renewal

    Jesus facilitated renewal through acts of justice, mercy, healing, and love. This renewal is personal—it is also relational, societal, and ecological. We value renewing, because renewal is participation with God, who is making all things new. Renewal is part of co-creating with God.

  • Transformation

    Jesus opened the eyes of the blind, raised the dead to life, and spoke of being born anew. We therefore value awakening, transforming, and becoming truly living beings.

Contact us.
(925) 932-1955

399 Wiget Lane
Walnut Creek CA 94598