Holy Week at Saint Matthew
Join us for Holy Week as we journey through the events leading to Easter. Each service offers a meaningful way to reflect, remember, and celebrate together as a community.
🌿 Holy Wednesday: Palm/Passion Service
Wednesday, April 16 | 11:00 AM | Worship Center
A traditional Palm/Passion service reflecting on Jesus' journey to the cross, followed by a light lunch.
✝️ Good Friday
Friday, April 18 | 5:00 PM & 7:00 PM | Worship Center
A contemplative service remembering Christ’s crucifixion through scripture, prayer, and reflection.
Childcare available for children 5 and under during the 5:00 PM service.
🔥 Holy Saturday
Saturday, April 19 | 5:00 PM | Courtyard
Gather outdoors for a peaceful fireside worship as we prepare our hearts for the hope of Easter.
🌸 Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 20 | 8:30 AM & 10:00 AM | Worship Center
Celebrate the joy of the resurrection with vibrant worship for all ages.
Children’s programming available during the 10:00 AM service.
Come as you are—there’s a place for everyone during Holy Week at Saint Matthew.