Are you a mom? This is for you!
The Mom Community — MomCo for short. The MomCo by MOPS International is a global program that has been alive and growing since 1973! The program has grown to include moms with kids of all ages. It holds the mission: To encourage and equip moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women, and leaders, in relationship with Jesus and in partnership with the local church.
2024-2025 SMLC MomCo Dates
2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 PMSeptember 11 & 25
October 9 & 23
November 13
December 11
January 8 & 22
February 12 & 26
March 12 & 26
April 9 & 23
May 14The SMLC MomCo chapter began in Fall 2022 and is thrilled to have grown to a community of over 50 women at all ages and stages of mothering. Our group includes a great mix of mamas currently with infants, preschoolers, grade schoolers, and teens. Our group also includes a strong group of Mentor Moms who typically have adult or young adult children. Our group includes stay-at-home moms, many working moms, single moms, and adoptive moms. Please join us no matter which groups you identify with. Saint Matthew enjoys hosting this bimonthly evening MomCo group and welcomes moms who attend other area churches or no church at all. We especially want to welcome working moms with this evening time. Along with our bimonthy gatherings, the group includes occasional service projects and social events.
This is an evening especially for moms. Unfortunately, at this time, we cannot provide childcare, but we hope you can join us!
Each week usually includes a 10-20 minute guest speaker or video speaker, followed by facilitated table discussion with questions related to the speaker’s topic. Tables will also typically share about their lives with each other and give support and encouragement. Some weeks the evening might also include a creative project, or an activity to facilitate moms making connections and getting to know each other. Every week also includes a generous snack table!
Table Groups: The first week all moms will be assigned to their table group for the year. Each group is typically 7-10 women, which includes a Table Leader and 1-2 Mentor Moms. During registration you can indicate if you have a preference of being with a table of moms in your same mothering stage, versus a table of mixed mothering stages. Table groups sit together each week, might have occasional meet-ups with or without families, and are generally an ongoing support to each other throughout the year. We are not meant to mama alone!
Do you ever feel like the spark that once fueled your passion, clarity, and energy has been dimmed under the mental load of motherhood? Perhaps it’s the need to make one million decisions a many decisions! Or maybe you're in a season where you feel you are not showing up well for yourself or others; just going through the motions, trying to get to the end of the week.
That is about to change because we’re declaring this the year of new things, and we choose wild, contagious hope. Hope is not a passive exercise in wishing; it’s an active approach to living life engaged. Hope provides clarity, vision and vitality. Hope requires courage and trust through uncomfortable places and challenges that nourish our deepest longing. God is doing something new, and we can get our hopes up. It’s time for Wild Hope. -
Contact Kari A at
2024-2025 Registration is Now Open! Registrations are encouraged by Sunday, September 15th.
We do not want cost to be a barrier to attendance. Please contact Sherry Whitmarsh at if scholarship funds are needed.