Prayer: Communication to God in word or thought
We believe that Jesus is our healer and comforter, and that God continues to heal our brokenness, pain, and fear through the power of the Holy Spirit. We pray that God will bring healing in body, mind, and spirit and we look for the big and small ways in which God answers our prayers.
Sunday Mornings
We have a prayer team available after the 10 am worship service, usually in the Fellowship Hall, to offer prayer. We encourage you to receive prayers for anything you need, for yourself or for someone you love.
Healing Prayers
On the second and fourth Tuesdays beginning September 14th, we are excited to return to in-person ministry in the Fellowship Hall from 7:30-8:30 pm, and also by Zoom for those who can't or don't want to come to the church. The in-person team will be masked, use hand sanitizer, and maintain social distance. If you are experiencing any symptoms, we ask that you join us via Zoom.
Our prayer team gives individual, private prayer for all needs – physical, emotional, and spiritual. You can join our Zoom by clicking here.
Prayer Line
We have a dedicated team of people willing to pray for any need that you have through our email prayer tree. Email prayers@saintmatthew.org to submit a prayer request or to get more information about joining the Prayer Line team.

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