Who We Are
Saint Matthew is a community of Jesus dreaming God-sized dreams and pursuing God’s work in our neighborhood and beyond.
We seek to equip and empower a courageous community of deeply formed lives, to foster well-being, reduce stigma, and impact our neighborhood through allyship.
Our 4 Foundations
Develop Deeply Formed Lives
We long to fall more deeply in love with God, Neighbor, and Self. and equipping and empowering our neighborhood to do the same.
Nurture Children,Youth, & Family Wholeness
Our children, youth, and families need deep support designed to help them grow in faith and grow together.
Power Positive Aging
Older Adults have more time, talent, passion, and resources to help change our world than any other generation before it. We believe if we are not dead, we are not done. Positive Aging Matters.
Communicate God’s Radical Love
We believe the good news we have to offer our neighborhood and world is unique. The inclusive love of God is for all people and we seek make it known

Contact us.
(925) 932-1955
399 Wiget Lane
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Those words have never felt so good to say! Whether you have been around church your entire life or you just discovered us online, Saint Matthew has something for you.
We are a Lutheran Church that practices our faith in a multi-denomination context. We exist to help people connect to and follow God. We seek to provide a safe place for people of all walks of life to experience true life-change through authentic, relational community with God and others. Regardless of your story, your doubts, or your struggles; you are welcome at Saint Matthew!
Worship Services:
Wednesdays at 11am - Traditional Worship, followed by a light lunch
Sundays at 8:30am - Chapel Service, Intimate Contemporary Worship
Sundays at 10am - Contemporary Worship
So come as you are. We can’t wait to welcome you home.