Legacy Foundation Fund

Planned giving to the Legacy Foundation Fund ensures that the work and mission of Saint Matthew will be faithfully advanced for generations to come through legacy gifts of bequests, trusts or other deferred or estate gifts.

Planned giving encourages members to leave a legacy by responding thankfully to God for our abundant blessings, by giving a legacy gift that will benefit others long after it was given and then experiencing the joy that comes through sharing.


Saint Matthew is able to receive a wide variety of charitable contributions including:

•  Cash and Securities

•  Bequests and Wills

•  Retirement Plan Assets/IRAs

•  Life Insurance

•  Income Producing Plans

•  Charitable Lead Trusts

Give A Gift That Keeps Giving

These gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by state and federal laws.  Donors are urged to consult an attorney or financial advisor before completing arrangements for legacy gifts.  

There are two avenues for such giving. Gifts may be made to Saint Matthew’s general fund where both the principal and earnings will be used for programs or projects where the need is greatest.  Or you may direct your gift to the Saint Matthew Foundation Fund, where the gift will be invested and only the earnings used for the purpose you have designated.

Perhaps  you already have named Saint Matthew as a beneficiary through your will, bequests, trusts or other deferred or estate gifts without notifying Saint Matthew.  If so, let us know about it. No details about your estate plan are necessary. We just want to thank you now for the legacy you will leave later. You will automatically become a member of the Saint Matthew Legacy Society.



Scholarship applications are now being accepted by the Saint Matt Legacy Fund Committee!

Don’t miss this opportunity for financial support for your next step!

Questions? Contact the church office at info@saintmatthew.org or 925-932-1955.

Want to know more?

If you would like more information about including Saint Matthew in your estate or about making a contribution, please let us know by calling or emailing.